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After the past couple of years we've been through, we're at the time of year where it's important to practice good hygiene again.

Since the cold and flu season is upon us, did you know that whilst our body's immune system is fighting the virus, it can put additional strain on our bodies. For example, the constant sniffing requires a sudden contraction of our diaphragm which after a while, can fatigue and lead us to overuse our accessory breathing muscles. When we cough or sneeze, an intense pressure is placed on all the muscles and joints surrounding the lungs, in order to force out air.

Common injuries that can occur include rib strains, spinal injuries, muscular strains and spasms, even relapse of an existing or previous injury. When a muscle is overstrained it can result in a spasm. This muscle spasm may pull on its attachment to the rib and affect the way it articulates with the spine, which is a very painful experience.

This is one of the many conditions that Osteopaths often treat in conjunction with your GP. Osteopaths use a number of techniques including; soft tissue massage, manipulation, stretching, articulation, muscle energy techniques and myofascial release. These techniques are aimed at;

In addition, these techniques may also have an effect by promoting the body's' healing ability. It does this by;

Here are some reminders of what can you do to be as comfortable as possible during a cold;

DON’T IGNORE YOUR PAIN after a cough or sneeze.

If you are currently experiencing pain after you've begun to feel well, seek advice from your GP in the first instance. Acquired aches or joint pains can be treated here at Edge Osteopathy so please get in touch if you have any questions or wish to know more about how we can help.
