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Both heat and cold are commonly used to treat injuries/reduce pain, but they work in different ways. There is still some uncertainty about when to use cold and when to use heat. Here are few pointers to hopefully make that decision easier.

Ice packs are mostly commonly used on acute injuries, for example an ankle sprain or a muscle strain (especially in the first 48 hours). Ice treatment helps to control/reduce the swelling, pain and inflammation. Make sure you wrap the cold pack in a towel to avoid a freeze burn and do not apply it for longer than 15-20 minutes at a time, during this time you should keep moving the ice pack around the injury site. You can ice an injury several times a day, but you should allow skin temperature to return to normal between each application.

Heat packs are mostly commonly used on chronic injuries/injuries you have had for a while, for example aching in the upper shoulders from deskwork or longstanding low back pain. Heat helps stimulate blood flow to the area and relaxes the tissues. You should again be careful to avoid burns and should only apply heat for 20 minutes at time.

Key points to remember:

If in doubt about the use of ice or heat, please consult a healthcare professional.

